Veteran Broadcaster Stuart McNish, host of Vancouver’s Conversations That Matter interviews Claire Sutton.
In this ‘Conversation that Matters’ interview, Claire Sutton underscores the fact that employees today are knowledge workers and that mental health matters more than ever in today’s workplace. When stress mounts it can impact the mental health of many employees.
In this candid interview Claire underscores the need for high quality Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that can service all levels of an organization. And, the real value of an EAP benefit is determined by the quality services delivered to all levels of the organization including the individual employee-client.
Counsellors delivering these one-on-one services need to be proficient in the EAP mindset and skill set.
EAP Consultation Services: To consult on the benefit of your EAP / EFAP, Contact Claire 604.742.1178 /
Register Now for this Online course: 5 Elements to Consider When Choosing or Assessing Your EAP Provider Company
Concordia University Montreal,
Quebec - Alumni
A designation of the
BC Association of
Clinical Counsellors
EAPA International Member
University of British
Columbia - Alumni
Canadian Employee Assistance
Program Association