Is your EAP / EFAP provider company working well for your employees? In this 2016 online course, Claire Sutton addresses HR Professionals (People & Culture), Directors of Business Development and other decision-makers on 5 key elements to assess, select or renew your EAP / EFAP contract.
EAPs are competitive and offer many services to different levels of an organization. It is important that your Employee Assistance Program is tailored to the needs of your organization. This 17-minute online course will give you criteria to consider when selecting your EAP .
Register (Full Fee):
Learn to ask the right questions to your potential EAP provider
Learn to identify the needs and wants that contribute to a healthy workplace
Understand the dual-client relationship
Be clear with your EAP on the service deliverables
Be clear with your EAP on what progress will look like
Concordia University Montreal,
Quebec - Alumni
A designation of the
BC Association of
Clinical Counsellors
EAPA International Member
University of British
Columbia - Alumni
Canadian Employee Assistance
Program Association